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  • Julia
  • female
  • 51 years old
  • 02.03.1973


  • musicall kinds of music
  • moviesAll types of movies / musicals
  • TV showsReality and comedy
  • hobbySewing


  • foodAll types
  • colorPurple
  • pets5 dogs 1 african grey parrot

Comments (62)

this is no laughing matter. Kind of having fun not being able to taste or smell.. The reason because I don't know if it is spicy or not so just being positive and laughing about it. Plus now when my dogs go to the bathroom outside when i have to pick it up I cant smell it. See positive thinkng

Wow that is really scary. I stay away from people as much as I can, wear masks, vaccination, the whole nine yards. I hope you get better and regain your taste and smell. Eating would be NO fun with those.

Thank you andy... Yes there is one thing that can be a positive about all of this. I cant smell or taste. It really isnt all that bad. I am trying to stay on the positive side to all of this. Its just Ironic, the one thing I tried to stay away from got brought to me. It is what it is.. Happy gaming to you as well

Greetings Princess Julia and thank you for accepting my friends request. Do hope you recover quickly from the dreaded virus, going on your previous comments, but sometimes things like this are not always bad, for example, this would have been perfect for us regarding my former Monster-In-Law as mealtimes at her place were unpredictable at best because we never knew what was coming out of the cauldron (think Bubble Witch but a little brighter!) Stay safe and may you experience endless success in all your gaming. Love & Hugz! Andy! xXx

ty all for the well wishes.. Its been a struggle but i am confident that this too shall pass. A lot of prayers and sleep. Hugs all.. (covid free) of course.

get well soon my lovely friend my thoughts and prayers are with you l hope you are on the mend very soon keep strong happy hearts praying 4 u ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Get well soon Julia, my carpenter was out for 20 days with covid....he never got the vaccine

heart heart

ty eva... I appreciate it. It is a pain in the butt not being able to taste or smell and the headaches are the worse. However; thanking god that it isnt as serious as some have had it.

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you are able to stay at home...that's a good sign you will recover just fine. All your friends will be holding good thoughts for your quick recovery!

hey all i am not feeling that well.. I ended up with covid someone brought the covid gift to me. I dont go out of the house and somehow I ended up with the darn thing. It isnt as bad as it could be. I just feel like I have the flu. I did lose my sense of taste and smell. I havent had conjestion just headaches. No fever or chills. Just body aches. I guess I can count my blessings because it could have been worse.

I didn't know you had a Grey!!!!!!! Cool! I've had birds my whole life. Currently have a small guy...a green cheek conure. Small birds = small poop. LOL

Hey Purple! How are you feeling?

♥♪♫✫ A Friend is someone ♥♪♫✫
♥♪♫♥♪♫♥♥♥ SPECIAL♥♥ ♥♪♫♥♪♫♥♪♫♥
.........♥♪♫✫ Just like you ♥♪♫✫.....
.•*”˜˜”*°•. ˜”*°•♥•°*”˜ .•°*”˜˜”*°•.

Thanks for the Friend request... trying to find my feet here!! xx

Hello nice that you are here! Wishing you a good day sweetie smile

eva I sent you a message .. I do mostly machine embroidery work, wall hangings, purses, wallets.... QUilts whatever someone wants and orders I do. I dont do a lot of clothing but I can if need to.

What do you like to sew?

Isn't that something...we both took pictures of our RG Kingdom in the last 24 hours. I've never been a member of a site that I gave a hoot if it closed down...oh well, thank goodness life goes on!

Hi Julia, so nice to be friends; thanks for the invite!