Element Puzzle
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Game Description

Element Puzzle

Collect fire, water, earth and air tokens to change the element’s form. Fire element burns the wooden obstacles but can be destroyed by water. Water element allows you to freely move inside water, but gets evaporated if it meets fire. Earth element withstands water and fire but it drawns in water. Air element can fly in any direction you want but can only be stopped by obstacles. Stay away from the wandering “void” manifestations, as those destroy the element in any form.

Game Developer: Wanted 5 Games

Element Puzzle Review

Alex 'Gaming Guru'
Alex 'Gaming Guru'


A Delightfully Elemental Challenge


Diving into the mix of arcade and puzzle genres, Element Puzzle proves to be a delightful brainteaser, promising an enjoyable time navigating through elemental transformations. With a retro vibe that tickles the nostalgia, the game cleverly uses fire, water, earth, and air tokens to add a unique twist to overcoming obstacles. It's a hoot trying to remember that fire zaps through the wood but fizzles to nothing around water, or that earth is tough as nails, yet sinks like a stone in a pond!

But watch out! Those pesky 'void' manifestations are like the party crashers nobody invited, just waiting to spoil your elemental shindig. The satisfaction of mastering the elements and keeping your cool against the void's menace is quite the rush for casual gamers. And the quirky twist of the air element? Freedom to fly but played the ultimate game of 'freeze tag' with barriers – hilarious!

Pros: A quirky concept mixed with retro flair that test your strategy and foresight. Cons: It gets trickier than a fox in a henhouse, which may not be every Joe or Jane's cup of tea.

Review 229 - Element Puzzle

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